Joseph Sent to Egypt
Last week, we continued studying about Jacob in Genesis, Chapters 32-33. Although God had prospered Jacob, Jacob had also made many mistakes. We learned that Jacob had an encounter with God on his way home to Canaan that would change his life. His brother Esau forgave him and God also changed Jacob’s name to Israel. When we believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are forgiven & adopted into God’s family. Like Jacob, our lives are changed and we get a new name, too - children of God! (John 1:12).
This week, we will learn about Jacob’s (Israel’s) sons. Jacob had 12 sons, including Joseph. In our lesson, we will learn that Joseph experienced much loneliness and suffering. In spite of these things, we will see how God used Joseph as a part of His plan to rescue his family. In the same way, Jesus experienced much suffering for us on the cross. Jesus’ death and resurrection was God’s wonderful plan to rescue sinners. Thank you God, that you have a good plan for us, even in our suffering!