Psalm 23
Last Sunday's lesson covered King David's sin against God also his repentance. God was not happy that David sinned but God lovingly forgave David. David wrote a song (Psalm 51) and asked God to truly change His heart. When we sin, God also forgives us, because Jesus took the punishment for our sin. Like David's heart change, Jesus changes our hearts - so that we no longer want to sin.
This week, we are discussing another song or Psalm written by King David - Psalm 23. David's background as a shepherd gave him a unique perspective to compare the love, protection, and guidance of God to that of a shepherd caring for his sheep. As you study this week's lesson with your children, recall that Jesus called Himself the "Good Shepherd...who lays down His life for the sheep" (John 10:11).
Thank you Jesus for being the Good Shepherd - who gives us love, protection, guidance and eternal life with God forever when we trust in Him.