Taking The Land
Last week, we discussed the Israelites and their new leader Joshua, as they finally entered the promised land. By faith, the people obeyed God and marched around the walls of Jericho winning the battle against the people of Canaan. By faith, a Canaanite woman named Rahab also believed God would win the battle and was kept safe. Just as God won the battle for the Israelites, Jesus has won the battle for us against sin and death. Rahab was kept safe by her faith and everyone who has faith in Jesus is kept safe and becomes a part of God's family forever!
In this week's lesson, we see God glorified, as He miraculously kept His promises and conquered the land of Canaan for the Israelites. The name Joshua means ‘The Lord is Salvation’. God fought for Joshua and the Israelites, saving them and giving them victory over their enemies. God is our salvation and He saves sinners by sending His son, Jesus to die on the cross. Jesus gives us the victory too - victory over sin and death.