The Battle Of Jericho
In our previous lesson, God’s servant Moses completed his journey with the Israelites. God had worked through Moses to lead the Israelites and perform many miracles. However, Moses was nearing the end of his life and would not enter the promised land. After a final farewell to the Israelites, Moses went up to a mountain where he could view the promised land. Moses was not perfect, but he was a good leader for God. God sent Jesus to be our perfect leader. Scripture tells us that Jesus deserves more glory than Moses (Hebrews 3:3). Jesus died and was raised to life so that everyone who believes in Him can enter the promised land of God’s heavenly kingdom.
Joshua was the new leader of the Israelites. The Lord had brought them to the promised land, but they had to win a battle to enter it. A woman named Rahab believed God would win the battle for the Israelites, so by faith, she helped them and was kept safe. By faith, the Israelites obeyed God and trusted Him to give them the victory. Jesus has won the battle for us over sin and death and we can trust Him to keep us safe. Thank you, Jesus, for the victory we have in you!