The Bronze Snake
In last week's passage, we learned that just as the Israelites were about to enter the land of Canaan, God instructed Moses to send twelve scouts to explore the land. Although the land was very good, most of the men returned with a fearful report. Only Caleb and Joshua believed that the Lord would be with them and help them. The Israelites did not trust the Lord and they rebelled against God. God punished them for their rebellion and unbelief. Like the Israelites, we have all disobeyed and failed to trust God. However, Jesus trusted God the Father completely and took the punishment for our rebellion. When we trust Jesus as our Savior, we have forgiveness and the promise of eternal life!
Since the Israelites did not trust God to lead them into the promised land, they continued to wander in the wilderness. Despite all of the miracles God had performed and all of the wonderful ways God had provided for the Israelites, they still complained and disobeyed. God knew what the real problem was...it was a heart problem; a sin problem. God sent snakes to discipline the Israelites, but He also provided a solution to rescue them. God also provides a solution for our sin problem- Jesus! We must look to Jesus, and trust in Him to be saved and have a life with God forever.