The Plagues and the Passover
Last week, we were introduced to Moses and we began our first lesson in the book of Exodus. We learned that the Israelites were living as slaves in Egypt and the Egyptian king (or Pharaoh) was treating them very badly. God kept Moses safe as a baby and when Moses grew up, God would use him to save the Israelites from the Egyptian Pharaoh. God would also use Moses' life to point us to an even better Savior- Jesus!
This week we will continue learning about Moses and God's plan to rescue the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt. God sent many plagues to Egypt, including one last, very severe plague. Although the Israelites were sinful too, God kept them safe from this punishment when they sprinkled the blood of a lamb over their doors. In the same way, we are sinful, but Jesus took the punishment for our sin when He died on the cross and we are kept safe from punishment when we trust in Christ. Jesus is “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”! (John 1:29)