The Red Sea Crossing
In our lesson last week, we got to see an amazing display of God’s power and sovereignty. God instructed Moses (and his brother Aaron) to tell Pharaoh to free the people of Israel. Pharaoh refused. So God used ten plagues to punish Egypt and convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Although the Israelites were sinful as well, they were kept safe from the last plague by sprinkling the blood of the spotless lamb on their doorposts. Similarly, we are sinful, but we are kept safe from God’s punishment when we trust in Jesus... “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world”! (John 1:29).
This week we continue our adventure through the book of Exodus and we will learn more about God’s magnificent grace and power. This week’s lesson teaches us about the great miracles that God performed through Moses to safely save the Israelites from the hand of the Egyptians. Moses was a great leader and led God’s people to freedom out of Egypt. As you read the lesson, consider the Gospel Connection...Jesus is greater than Moses and He gives us freedom from sin. And just as the Lord provided a way of escape for the Israelites, He provides a way for us to escape the penalty of sin, through His Son, Jesus. We praise you Lord, for your power and your salvation!