![101: Journey to Reconciliation Class - Spring 2021](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMDc6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGNTUxNmNkMjY3NzY4OTQ3MDRmMzEtNDBiMjUwZjUxMDhhM2ZmNDI3YTVjMjI2NTg0ZjA3NWEuc3NsLmNmMi5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbSUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGMSUyRjBlOTc2ODYxOF8xNTc5ODIxMzE4XzEwMS1qb3VybmV5LXRvLXJlY29uY2lsaWF0aW9uLWNsYXNzLXYyLnBuZyUzRnMlM0Q3NjE0ODg1YTYyMjAzODg3MjFlZjk4ZmVkODhiODU3OSI7/101-journey-to-reconciliation-class-v2.png)
Every other Thursday, from 03/11/2021 to 05/20/2021, 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
Location: Zoom Conference, Indianapolis, IN US
This class is a continuation of the last class. If you were not participating in the class from October 2020 through December 2020 but are interested please leave your email information to stay up to date with the next class session. Contact Kyle Dickerson
We will continue growing in this important area of discipleship. We are picking back up the study of the book “Woke Church” by Pastor Eric Mason together. We will meet every other Thursday, starting March 11, 2021, from 6:30 pm-7:45 pm
You can order your book from the link below. (Hardcover, Kindle, or Audiobook version). Order Here
Class Title: 101: Journey To Reconciliation
Meeting Schedule: Begining 3/11 at 6:30 pm, will be every other week.
OFC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
- Join Zoom Meeting https://yourchurch.zoom.us/j/92713107033?pwd=Qkk4L2pET1pXSHN1VzhNaWpPaW5wdz09
- Meeting ID: 927 1310 7033
- Passcode: ofc101jrny
- Dial by your location
- Meeting ID: 927 1310 7033
- Passcode: 6255425488
- Find your local number: https://yourchurch.zoom.us/u/acsb8OQFNV
Questions? Contact Kyle Dickerson